Partners Committee
The NWBP Partners Committee includes community associations, nonprofit organizations, businesses, government agencies, faith-based institutions and other organizations serving Northwest Baltimore.
The purpose of the Partners Committee is to provide broad community input for the work of NWBP and to provide committee members with information and opportunities for collaboration.
Partners Committee Members:
Victor Akinnagbe, Baltimore Redlining and Blight Elimination CDC
Farmer Chippy, Executive Director, Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm
Joi Dabney, Recording Secretary, Towanda Neighborhood Assoc.
Auni Gelles, Live Baltimore
Mary George, Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center
Pastor Michael A. Gaines, Sr., Manna Bible Baptist Church (Co-Chair)
Sister Yeshiyah B. Israel, President, Pimlico Merchants Association, Inc. (Co-Chair)
Rev. Dr. John A. Lunn, Sr., Berean Baptist Church of Baltimore City
Lisa Molock, President, Let's Thrive Baltimore
Joshua Richardson, President, Fallstaff Improvement Association Inc.
Kathy Shields, KM Ministries
Sharon Snow, President, Cylburn Community Action Association
Cherring A. Spence, President, Parklane Neighborhood Association Inc
Deborah Woolford, Board Chair, Park West Health System, Inc.
Partners can participate in the following committees:
Homeownership Committee: Works to foster housing investments, connect potential homebuyers to housing resources, convert renters to buyers, and attract new families to Northwest Baltimore.
Marketing Committee: Promotes NWBP and Northwest Baltimore through social media, marketing, and communication strategies.
One Park Heights Committee: Oversees “One Park Heights” a campaign of unity that facilitates community engagement from Park Circle to the Baltimore City line around common neighborhood goals.
Oral History Project Committee: The Oral History of Northwest Baltimore Project will create a collection of living people’s testimony about their own and their family’s experiences while recognizing individuals’ unique historical importance, particularly in NW Baltimore.
For more information, please contact Larry Schugam at or 410-500-5306.
Additional Partners Committee principles are listed below:
The Partners Committee is open to organizations that serve the Northwest Baltimore community. Unaffiliated individuals may not join the committee and will be invited to join the annual public meeting of the Partners Committee.
The Committee will meet twice a year. Meetings will take place (at least during 2021) via Zoom for 60 minutes and will be chaired by a member of the Steering Committee.
There are no dues to serve on the Partners Committee.
Partners who wish to present at Partners Committee meetings can request time on the agenda in advance of the meeting. The Steering Committee representative will report at the Partners Committee meetings on Steering Committee updates and will report at Steering Committee meetings on information and input from the Partners Committee meetings.
The Partners Committee will accept new partners at any time of year.